Dream in the dark forest






What You Will Need

 My supplies zip here

 Animation shop



This tutorial is entirely my own creation, it is not permitted to reproduce it on any other web sites with out my written permission




Open a new image with the following settings:



First change your foreground and background to black

next in your forground change to gradiente "BlueDreams" ...this because otherwise it will not have the black blend

below the settings for the gradient, and fill your canvas



Now open your brush tool and find the tool you downloaded previously

with these settings and this color #01034d



The second one is this one with color #01034d



The third and forth with this color #000000



The result should resemble the one here below



Open the template tube, copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas, it will position itself in the center

Layers merge visible

Duplicate this merged layer for a total of 10 times




Save this image with all the layers intact and open it in Animation Shop

Open gif_1, select all, copy and paste onto your first frame of your video,




be careful not to go outside the black border and that all is perfectly alligned



Repeat the same procedure with gif_2 and paste into the second frame



Repeat again with gif_3 and paste into the third frame



Again repeat with gif_4 and paste into the fourth frame




Again repeat with gif_5 and paste into the fifth frame



And once more repeat with gif_6 and paste into the sixth frame




Go back to your first frame...and select it.....

open tube barbderksen_milesicicle select all and copy...

back to your first frame paste it on the selected frame



on the top (as shown in the image here below)





Open tube filly_tube_goccie select all...copy and paste onto your first frame on the Stalatite as shown on the image here below




Open the tube "frame" select all ...go back to your tag and select all....copy...and paste onto the "frame"

 making sure you paste correctly and that no
white is seen around the image



 Open the second tube filly_goccia position yourself back on the first frame select all and paste in the selected frame,

be sure not to let go of the mouse

until you are sure you have positioned it exactly where you want it...see image below




Open the tube Madonna_frozen select and copy,

go back to your first frame select all and paste onto your tag ,

 as shown in the image here below



Last, open the "writing tube" select and copy...go back to your tag...select all and paste on your first frame,

 letting go of the mouse the "writing" will

position itself in all the frames



You can add your name to the tag,

 remembering to create it in Psp and duplicating it for a total of 10 time,

saving as psp, and following the same

procedure as you did above, select it in AnimationShop,

copy and pasting it onto your tag, following the same procedure you did for the tag

Now Select All

go to Animation, Frame Properties and change



Last go to Reduce Animation



Insert the settings as shown here below



Save your creation and your tag is ready.





2006 Dream in the Dark forest ° Graphic Filly° All Rights Reserved

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The Contents of this site can not be reproduced or used without my written permission